1 7 ounce package marzipan (Tested with Odese brand)
Red, yellow, green liquid food coloring
1/4 cup powdered sugar or cornstarch
whole cloves
caraway seeds
small paint brush
small bowls (4)
paper towels or clean rags
parchment paper or waxed paper
fine hole grater
Divide the marzipan into 3 equal pieces (2.3 ounces each). Cover your work surface with a large sheet or parchment or wax paper to protect from staining. Put on an apron or an old shirt to protect clothes from splatter. Place powdered sugar in a small pile in the corner of work surface.
Make your dyes:
Green – combine 1 teaspoon water + 1/4 teaspoon green food coloring
Orange – combine 1 teaspoon water + 6 drops yellow + 2 drops red coloring
Red – combine 1 teaspoon water + 1 drop red coloring
Marzipan Apples:
Knead 1/8 teaspoon green dye solution into 1 portion marzipan until evenly colored light green. Shape into a tube and cut into 6 equal portions. Roll each into a ball, then shape into slightly elongated and squared-off Granny Smith apple shapes, or slightly flattened balls to make MacIntosh apples. Press a whole clove into the top of each to make a stem.
Dip paintbrush in clean water, then in yellow dye solution. Paint apples to give them a ripening hue. Dip brush again in water, then in red solution and add a bit of blush to one side of each apple. Set aside apples to dry on paper.
Marzipan Pears:
Knead 1/8 teaspoon yellow solution into 1 portion of marzipan until a uniform light yellow color is achieved. Roll into a log and cut into 6 equal portions. Shape each into a teardrop shape, flattening the bottom slightly and bending some of the tops a little. Press a caraway seed upright into the tops to make a stem.
Wet your brush with clean water and lightly go over one long side of each pear with yellow dye. While still wet, dab on a bit of red and allow to naturally spread out along the fat end of each pear. Set aside pears to dry.
Marzipan Oranges:
Knead 1/8 teaspoon orange dye into remaining portion of marzipan until uniformly pale orange. Roll into a log and cut into 6 equal portions. Shape each into as round a ball as possible, then gently roll on the fine hole grater to make a dimpled skin effect. Paint each orange with more orange dye solution until a rich, bright orange is achieved. Highlight with yellow dye solution.
Break the center balls from 6 whole cloves and press the clove stem into each orange, so just the star shows to make the blossom end of the orange.
Allow all marzipan fruits to dry uncovered at room temperature for 24 hours before using. Fruits may be stored longer, lightly covered at room temperature.