Cut the ends off the grapefruit and then remove the skin and pith with a knife. Slice into circles and arrange on plates.
Combine the rosemary and juices in a small sauce pan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Simmer 30 seconds to soften the rosemary.
Add the salt and pepper and honey and stir to dissolve.
Remove from heat and add the olive oil.
Pour warm dressing over grapefruit slices and refrigerate until ready to serve.
At serving time, tuck salad greens under grapefruit slices in a pretty but haphazard fashion as if you just can’t be bothered to mess with this salad because it is so BOLD!
I bet this would also be smashing with a combination of grapefruit and orange, or with added avocado slices, or with halved red grapes! Yum!