How Iced Coffee Ruined My Life

So you guys, I used to make my own iced coffee the old-fashioned way, with two vessels and a strainer and I made a video about that a long time ago to share my infinite knowledge on the subject of being “thrifty”.

Toddy Coffee MakerBut then guess what happened. Chris showed up with this fancy-pants Iced Toddy maker thing

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and all of a sudden… I. could. not. stop.

Rather, we could not stop. We were drinking iced coffee all the day long and into the night. We were going through a gallon of the shit a week. We were SO productive. So focused! It’s so simple! You have a jug with a handle. Inside the jug is a filter. In the bottom of the jug is a hole. In the hole is a rubber plug. You fill the jug with coffee and water. You let it sit overnight. The next morning, you take out the plug and out comes the deepest, darkest, smoothest coffee you ever poured down your maw. It trickles into the accompanying glass pitcher to be kept in the refrigerator and savored all week. BONUS – there’s no paper filters so you can just toss the grounds out into the compost!

But then guess what.

Chris lost the plug. Or Daisy lost the plug. Or ate the plug. At any rate, the plug was GONE. I even felt around the garbage disposal (gross!) and we looked in the compost bin. We looked everywhere. It done disappeared and life as we knew it was OVER.


But then Chris found out you can order replacement plugs and filters and things

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on the internet. So he did that. And guess what came in the mail today???


Toddy plugs and filters

I know it looks like drug-making supplies.


But it’s not.


Thank GAWD.


I’m going to make some more iced coffee now.

Step 1: Put a plug in it!

Step 2: Filter yourself.

Step 3: A little water, a little coffee, a little more water, a little more coffee, a little whiskey... Wait, what?

Step 4: You can't even tell what I'm doing here. This picture is pointless.

Step 5: Cover that shit and let it sit for, like, EVER. Or overnight.

All done! Pop the plug and out pours your coffee, ready for drankin'!


P.S. I have to tell you, if you end up buying this thingamajig through the link in my post, I will get about several pennies. All those pennies go to support this show! FTC rules: abided by.


  1. Ashley on October 1, 2012 at 8:49 pm

    Hi Hilah! I love iced coffee too and used to make it the way you showed in your video but sometime I don’t have the time for it. This contraption looks really neat and simple. Thanks for sharing! 😀

    • Hilah on October 2, 2012 at 12:41 pm

      Hi Ashley! Yep, we were int he same boat. It’s easier to make enough to last a week with this little thing, than using my Pyrex cups. 😉

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