Posts Tagged ‘pumpkin’
Pumpkin Coconut Soup
This was an experiment that worked out. Real, REAL good. I needed to use up some pumpkin puree after shooting my homemade pumpkin puree buy buspar online video. I remembered a recipe I made several years ago, a butternut squash and shrimp soup with a coconut milk base, that was AB FAB. And you know,…
Read MorePumpkin Cupcakes with Salted Caramel Frosting
Pumpkin Cupcakes Recipe Video online pharmacy abilify over the counter with best prices today in the USA If you’ve been following my show for a while, you probably know I am a sucky cake decorator. BUT THAT WILL NOT STOP ME FROM TRYING! “How cute would it be,” I thought to myself, “if I could…
Read MoreGluten Free Pumpkin Pie
I am so so happy to finally be able to provide for my gluten-free viewers with the help of my friend Kate at! Kate is a specialist in the home arts – things like pickling, preserving, and coming up with neat-o tricks that make life easier around the house. She is the author of…
Read MorePumpkin Pasta Penne
Pumpkin Pasta Recipe Video – scroll down for recipe card I came up with this recipe to serve our friend Diane who graciously and generously offered to edit the newest version of Learn to Cook with her cruelly capable eagle eyes. In true ladylike form, she has also not made me cry at all or…
Read MorePumpkin Empanadas!
These are seriously amazing. I finally tried making my own dough for empanadas and never again will I use store-bought pie crust! For one thing, you know, generally I steer clear of pre-made anything. But mostly, this empanada dough recipe is just superior to pie crust for making these little baked hand-pies. It’s also really…
Read MoreHalloween Pumpkin Slaughter!!! Roasted Pumpkin Seeds!
I abhor food waste. I roll my eyes every time I see a display of those knobby, gnarly, little decorative gourds and dried miniature corn cobs for sale anywhere. The U.S. is probably the only country that grows food purely for decoration. Not to be a downer on the fall holiday decorating season, but it…
Read MorePumpkin Cake Donuts!
YAYAYAY!!!! Halloween is almost here! My FAVORITE HOLIDAY EVERRR! I LOVE SATAN!!!! Just kidding about that last part. I do love Halloween, though. Big-time. I love gory makeup and spooky sound effects and fake blood and ripped-off arms and popped-out eyeballs and skulls and teeth just sitting there chattering on a table, not even inside…
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