Austin Blogger Awards – Hangover Edition
Good Day, fine people! Thanks to everyone who voted for Hilah Cooking in the Austin Blogger Awards!
I am still in shock that we took home three awards (including Blog of the Year
)!!! I feel like I hogged them all up. I’m a hogger.
We noticed we’ve been having a lot of new visitors since last night and since we have a shit-ton of videos up here, we wanted to give you a some starting points, spring boards if you will, into the world of HILAH COOKING!!!
If you’re here for the food, try this:
If you’re here for some giggles and maybe some gross-outs, try this:
If you just want to get loaded, try this:
And don’t miss the Breakfast Taco Book
that I wrote a few months ago. It’s crammed full of recipes, restaurant reviews, and interviews with some questionable characters.
Thanks so much for peepin’ this site, locs! We post a new episode every Tuesday and sometimes Thursday if we are coherent enough after the weekend. This coming Tuesday will be How to Make Potato Latkes for Hannukah.
If you’re geeky enough to know what an RSS Feed is, click here to subscribe so you don’t miss anything! Or subscribe to my top-secret newsletter to get the heads up on book releases, special projects and special recipes!
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Didn’t doubt it for a minute! Congrats!
Thank you!
Hey! Will you get me a cookie while you’re in the kitchen?
Oh to have a wife yell that at me again. lol nice one Hilah
Heehee. Thanks, Peter.
This Floridian voted for ya, and I am glad you won! WTG!
Now, concerning the corndog video, we definitely need to see you putting more phallic shaped items in your mouth. You want to win again next year, right?
Whoo! Thanks, Topper!
Hello, Miss Hilah– Congratulations on winning! It was so nice to meet you at the Bleet Up. I’ll definitely enjoy going back through your video archives.
Thanks, Amy! It was great to meet you, too!
I just love watching you!!! Too bad I’m not a cooker person!
Congrats Hilah, I voted for you

Love your website and I hope one of these days we’ll meet in person rather than reading each other’s blogs
Keep up the good work!
Aw, thank you Claudia! I hope we can meet someday, too!
Great drink but that’s not a martini! A martini has 1. Gin 2. Vermouth 3. Flavoring option! Your drink has 1. No Gin and 2. No vermouth!
Oh yes, Shane, I know it’s not official but that is what the drink is called around here! I agree that the word “martini” is too often applied to things that are NOT martinis.
How rude. I look forward to your perfect cooking show.
When you make martinis on it, however, you might note that you also are wrong in limiting martinis to gin. The International Bartenders Association also recognizes the vodka martini.
Live in a house of glass, Shane?
As far as I can tell the only thing that really makes it a martini is the martini glass – and the fact that it’s normally served in a shaker containing 2-3 drinks. I can’t remember finding these anywhere outside of Texas, but I could be wrong.