My Thanksgiving Menu 2013

We are having a smallish group this year — a couple of parents and a couple of friends (and a couple of large dogs waiting patiently for scraps) — so I’m not going to go too crazy in the kitchen. Here’s what we have planned!

For the turkey, this year I am going to try a technique I read about in Bon Appetit

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magazine and cook the turkey breast and quarters separately with two different cooking methods. This should free up a little bit of oven space for these …

Roasted Brussels Sprouts. I am going to add some baby carrots to this recipe, and swap the wasabi for a little brown sugar and dill.

Cornbread Stuffing with a twist! This year I’m going to de-vegetarianize it by adding some cooked Mexican chorizo, some sauteed jalapeños along with the onions, and some small diced roasted sweet potatoes.

Mashed potatoes, of course, to soak up all the gravy.

The green beans amondine from my Learn to Cook book

! Because, sadly, I’m beginning to think I’ve developed lactose intolerance — insert frowny face here — and am staying away from dairy for a couple of weeks to test it out. As much as I love you, Campbell’s Green Bean Casserole, I’m gonna skip you this year.

Our friend is bringing her homemade dinner rolls

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and cranberry relish

For dessert, we’ll have pumpkin pie

and I’m going to attempt a chocolate cream pie for the second time in my life. The first time was a chocolate soup pie, so wish me luck!

Have a great and happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I’ll see you next week with more videos!


  1. April Decheine on November 26, 2013 at 2:15 pm

    Love Brussels sprouts! Been following you a long time 🙂 Haven’t done a video in a few years and am starting up again. Was living on a farm for two years and had the worst satellite connection! Back in the city and am excited to start up again. Started a new site and am ready to get busy! Love all your videos!

    • Hilah on November 27, 2013 at 10:54 pm

      Hi April! Welcome! I’d love to hear about your farm life. that sounds really satisfying and fun, but also would be hard to get used to no internet! 🙂

  2. Tom Kauffman on May 22, 2014 at 8:03 pm

    Hilah you turned me on to Brussels sprouts! I cook them weekly and have tried everything on them including maple syrup. Love it. Love the videos. Will buy the book to support your great work and fun approach to cooking. I’m hooked.

    Tom K.

    • Hilah on May 24, 2014 at 9:42 am

      Thank you so much, Tom! 🙂 Glad to hear that you are a sprouts-man now. And big thanks for ordering my book – it really is a great support. I think you will enjoy it. It’s pretty funny if I say so myself.

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