Easy Beet Salad or Beet Spread

If you like beets, you’ll like this easy beet salad that you can also use as an easy beet spread on crackers and such. Grated beets, lemon juice, plain yogurt and finely chopped toasted walnuts are all you need. Well, and salt. And love. I serve it as a side salad sometimes, and other times…

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Make-Ahead Lentil Salad

make-ahead lentil salad with broccolini, lemon and hazelnuts

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and I’ll never stop saying it, probably, but there is nothing better in the hot, hot summertime than a salad waiting for you in the refrigerator. This make-ahead lentil salad is a prime example. Make it when you have an off moment and it…

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Three Bean Salad Recipe

three bean salad recipe with red beans, white beans, green beans

Everything I love to eat was invented by someone’s grandma. Three bean salad is a good example of “old lady food” but you know what, old lady food is yummy and this three bean salad recipe is a good one. I have an undying devotion to bean salads. They’re wonderful. Make them on a day…

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Gigante Bean Salad

Delicious gigante bean salad with apples, corn, jalapeƱos and apple cider vinaigrette

Healthy, delicious gigante bean salad with apples, corn, jalapeƱos, apple cider vinaigrette and Royal Corona gigante beans

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Kohlrabi Slaw with Green Goddess Dressing

Kohlrabi slaw with herbed green goddess dressing in a green dish

I got some kohlrabi in my vegetable delivery this week and if you’ve never seen one of those, they’re weird looking. Like a bald alien head with a bunch of leafy antennae growing out all around. Kohlrabi are related to broccoli and cabbage and all those healthy, delicious things and because lately it’s been muggy…

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Broccoli Baked Potatoes

broccoli baked potatoes

Look at these broccoli baked potatoes! LOOK AT THEM! Don’t they look cheesy and creamy and delicious and terrible for your arteries?? online pharmacy buy prograf no prescription Well. online pharmacy prograf for sale no prescription They are most of those things. But not all of those things. Because we are dieting, folks! We’re countin’…

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Quinoa with Chestnuts and Cherries

quinoa with chestnuts and cherries

This warm quinoa with chestnuts and cherries is chock full of them fall flavors, yo! online pharmacy purchase naprosyn online generic online pharmacy suhagra no prescription with best prices today in the USA To be perfectly honest, I’ve had this bag (affiliate link) of Geffen “recipe ready” peeled chestnuts in my pantry for over six…

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Beet and Farro Salad with Mint

beet and farro salad with mint

Whew! A lot of stuff’s happened since I shared these s’mores cookies. Mainly, we moved back to Austin in June to be closer to our families and to Chris’s company headquarters (Yoga with Adriene). In the Age of Covid, it just didn’t make sense to be so far away from our literal priorities. buy keflex…

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Butternut Squash Risotto

A very simple vegetarian holiday side dish or main dish, butternut risotto is creamy and pretty and how many things can say that about themselves?! I started with my basic risotto recipe BUT I DIDN’T STOP THERE. online pharmacy purchase lariam online no prescription Obviously. online pharmacy buy ventolin online no prescription pharmacy buy lasix…

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